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Domestic Terrorism

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Domestic Terrorism

Domestic Terrorism is a project that makes public the visual evidence of private domestic work and encourages the use of private detail as a means of public resistance.

Laundry hanging on a line can suggest the gender, class and aesthetic principles of the person doing the laundry. It can disclose the population and income of a household. It reveals personal taste and bad habits; betrays acts of insurrection and indiscretion. How laundry is hung can be a statement of pride or an expression of modesty. It can be a form of communication between prisoners, a violation of housing codes in certain communities or perceived as a national threat in times of war.

There are three ways to participate:

1 Commit an Act of Domestic Terrorism. Hang your laundry in public.

2. Create/Add laundry images the images section of this library as evidence of performed tasks that focus on the care and detail of daily life

3. Share stories, texts and information.

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comment[127] | submitted by PEPE | Fri, 2006-12-15 20:36

The things that you wrote are really great .I'm from Poland.My english is not so good,but I'm trying.I think that Poland and polish women should learn more about Domestic Terrorism.In our country people think that United States are havean on earth,why don't know what really going on in your country.And your lector,show'd us (some of as) that we wrong thinking that USA=freedom.Polish gay and lesbian comunites are fighting for freedom,but homoseksual people just dream about this.Because our goovermant ,heterosekual poeple that sorround us,they hate as,they scared of us.But we can fight thru the art with this just show us how.
