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Project development

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As per Gini's suggestion, here's a post to start a discussion on the development of a 'network of performing rights'.


  • RSS feed for all new content (V important) + make other feeds available.
  • List of events / things happening.
  • News-list with auto subscription (Pretty important)
  • Digg or del.icio.us type functionality so its super easy to add links to the site.

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Currently if a new TEXT, IMAGE or LINK is created and the category "Acquisitions 2006" is selected for the new entry, then that entry becomes part of the Archive section, which is an area we setup to list all physical items in the Library.

During the conference the Archive was added to a little, but really needed a dedicated person(s) to be adding stuff. I forget her name now, but one of the Librarians in the Octagon (she was really helpfull and precise) created a List of everything in the reading room, with the intention of creating a separate entry for each item, which is what needs to be done now.

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thanks tom for setting up this space.

I set September 1st as a starting point for re-focusing on the library and its future development. I hope this is a meeting that we can have over the next few weeks although some things would be good to solve in the next few days.

Main things to think about are:
1. how to catalog the actual material we have stored at Queen Mary
2. how to make stronger links between those materials and the website

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